Thursday, May 1, 2014

A Look Back at Freshman Year

Starting off my first year I only knew a few people that would be in James Madison with me and let me tell you, I hoped that they would be on my floor. However, as I got my room assignments I was surprisingly pleased that only one person I knew was on my floor. The reason? It gave me the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and make friends that would last me a lifetime. Even today, as a senior, I see people from my floor my freshman year and I am so excited to see where they are now and reminisce over all the good times that we shared and all the new experiences that we went through together as freshmen.

Living in Case as a freshman is one of my favorite things about the first year experience.  We are able to knock on the door next to us if we need help on a homework assignment, since every JMC Freshman takes the same courses.This made it easy to get help and make a few friends while I was at it. Freshman year is truly unforgettable. It is the first time you are separated from your parents and really on your own and it is also when you begin your journey into adulthood. You can make a name for yourself, join clubs that were never offered at your high school, play sports that you aren't great at, but always wanted to be on the varsity team back in the day. Playing co-ed soccer with my floor my freshman year was so much fun, we all walked to the games together, hung out with one another after the games and just had a good time.

International Relations
Science, Technology, Environment, and Public Policy Minor