Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Somehow, the last few years of college have flown by, and I am about to be a graduate of Michigan State University. It is unbelievable to think that just a few years ago, I was just a freshman in a new state with a bunch of new people. MSU has essentially become a second home for me.

Within my MSU experience, my time in James Madison College has been an integral part. One of the best parts about it has been my time as a member of the Madison Academic Diversity Initiative (MADI). I have been a member of the program since my freshman year, and the experiences I have received through the program have been nothing short of amazing.

At the start of my spring semester freshman year, I went on a weekend long retreat with several Madison students that I barely knew. As an out of state student, I was particularly excited about the opportunity to meet new people. I did not know that I would get lasting friendships out of it. The best part about these friendships though is that they are with people who are different from me in many ways. We might not have connected with each other in Madison otherwise.

In addition to the great relationships I got from participating in the retreat, I also had the opportunity to be exposed to a wealth of the resources that the college and university can provide. For many students in their first year, it can be a bit overwhelming to have so much in your face but participating in MADI is definitely a way to make the first year experience even better! There is a chance to have lunch with the deans, meet JMC alumni, connect with JMC Career services, and more!

Beyond the experiences it brings freshman year, MADI brings an affiliation with the Office of Diversity Programming that hosts a number of great events throughout the school year. Additionally, you have the chance, as an older student, to share your experience and advice with freshmen after you. This also gives the opportunity to be a leader that might not be so easy to find on this huge campus!

Overall, through my participation in MADI, I got connected to the college in variety of ways that might not have occurred otherwise. It is now a full year program and is worth considering if you are planning to come to Madison. It is a change to engage with your Madison community in a way that will make all the difference for your four years here at Madison. That’s a promise.


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