Monday, October 13, 2014

Finding a home away from home

       Coming to college, I knew I wanted to be involved in extracurricular activities. In high school I was involved in everything- sports, band, theatre, church, service clubs- you name it. In college, I really wanted to find organizations that were meaningful and would help me grow as a student, a leader, and as a person in general. Freshman year, I made two of the best decisions of my life: going Greek and applying to be a Resident Assistant.

       Both of these roles are a big commitment, and I am so happy to be able to pour so much of myself into them. Greek life at Michigan State is such a great community of dedicated, fun, and service-oriented students. I am proud to call myself a Delta Gamma, and in my sorority I have truly found my home away from home. Our philanthropy is Service for Sight, and through Delta Gamma I have been able to volunteer at the Penrickton Center for Blind Children, raise money to produce braille materials, and provide support for members of our armed forces returning with visual impairments. Here on campus, we cheer on teams at our annual Anchor Splash and Anchor Slam tournaments, participate in East Lansing’s Safe Halloween event, and walk all night at MSU’s Relay for Life. Whether it is at a philanthropy event, a chapter meeting or just a movie night at the house, I love spending time with my sisters and I know they are always there for me. I am so glad I found such a great way to get involved in the community and find my best friends!
My Delta Gamma sisters in front of our house
       When deciding to be a Resident Assistant, I knew that it would be a huge responsibility. Just going through the interview process was intimidating, let alone the prospect of having fifty residents and being their mentor and go-to resource. Now that we are part way into the school year, I can honestly say that I have the best job. The interpersonal and leadership skills, time management, and responsibility I have gained from this position amazes me. It has been the most rewarding experience to help new Spartans adjust to living at MSU and work through all of the ups and downs of college life. Getting involved was one of the best ways I was able to make MSU my home, so I make it my goal as an RA to encourage my residents to find the extracurriculars that will help them grow during their time here, just as I have.

The 2014 Akers RA staff

        While academics are the main purpose of coming to college, I believe extracurricular involvement is what makes these years so meaningful. Whether it’s a sports team, cultural group, or any organization you choose to be a part of, I hope everyone finds what makes them happy and helps them become the best version of themselves.



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