Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Getting Involved in the Honors College

          Since I have been at Michigan State, I have had the opportunity to be a part of several great student organizations. If I had to pick a favorite, it would be the Honors College Dean’s Advisory Council. I have been an active member since the beginning of my freshman year. During the second semester, I was appointed to be the Public Relations officer. Now, I am going on my second year as the President. You might be wondering what it is about such an organization that has kept me involved. Well, I have to say that as an Honors College member an organization like this is quite important because the whole honors college student body needs representatives. At the same time, the Dean and the rest of the staff need to know what the students think. Ultimately, what we do as a council is what makes this organization great. In addition to basically being the “changemakers” within the honors college, we have grown close as a membership, and I have several good friends that I probably would not have otherwise.

            As I am writing this post, I feel weird just naming one organization that has be an amazing part of my MSU experience. I have not necessarily been the best at narrowing things down. When I first came to MSU, I was overwhelmed with knowing that there were over 600 student organizations here. I was sure that there was an organization for almost every interest that I had. As a result, I kind of went crazy at Sparticipation (an annual event where all the student organizations have tables set up for new and returning students to see what they do). I was involved in way more organizations that I can handle! In retrospect, joining all those groups helped me figure out what I was truly passionate about. I will say that you shouldn’t even worry about finding extracurriculars or clubs to get involved with! There are more than you know here, but I will say don’t be too eager because you might end up in over your head (like me!) freshman year!! At the end of the day, extracurriculars and clubs are definitely some of the best parts of your MSU experience (especially if you are an international or out-of state student- you get to me lots and I mean lots of people!). I hope that if you any of you decide to attend MSU, you find yourself involved in some pretty great organizations.


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